{"id":11031,"date":"2024-05-01T12:08:32","date_gmt":"2024-05-01T19:08:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centrea.org\/?p=11031"},"modified":"2024-05-23T13:45:56","modified_gmt":"2024-05-23T20:45:56","slug":"call-for-applications-2024-art-writing-mentorship","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centrea.org\/2024\/05\/call-for-applications-2024-art-writing-mentorship\/","title":{"rendered":"Call for Applications: Centre A 2024 Art Writing Mentorship"},"content":{"rendered":"



Centre A is delighted to announce our 2024 Art Writing Mentorship Program, <\/span>\u201cWriting is a Practice, a Vapour, a Many-Toed Thing.\u201d<\/b> Facilitated by 2024 program mentor Jacquelyn Zong-Li Ross, this 12-week summer intensive aims to introduce art writing and criticism to a small cohort of Vancouver-based Asian youth through weekly writing workshops, peer reviews, guest lectures, one-on-one consultations, field trips to local galleries, and studio visits with artists.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Over the weeks, five chosen participants will share in reading, discussion, and generative writing exercises led by the mentor and designed to reflect upon the critical and creative stakes of art writing. We will consider art writing as, foremost, an activity of listening and conversation, and explore possibilities for writing alongside and in proximity to the object, the studio process, or the image. We will read works of literature that think through works of art, and experience works of art that think through literature. We will talk about co-creation, reciprocity, and generosity in language; we will journal together and consider how art can be a prompt and a portal. Participants will be expected to workshop each other\u2019s writing and receive feedback, as well as follow a syllabus and complete assigned readings.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Participants will leave the program with one short-form experimental review (1,000 words) and one longer piece (2,500 words) developed out of the ideas and methodologies explored in the workshops.<\/span><\/p>\n
