Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art

Inflected Signs

Curated by Alice Ming Wai Jim


Solo exhibition of a two-part installation work by Calgary-based artist, Kim Huynh. Using English top hats, saddles, briefcases made out of sugar, ceramics, copper pipes, and photography, Huynh explores interconnected ideas about ethnicity, authority and hybridity. The installation “Unless” explores two loaded cultural references, the English top hat and sugar, to talk about colonial histories and the conditional terms of cultural negotiations; while “Flux” deals with the processes of cultural exchange through the use of popular patterns and a large metallic trough containing fifty hand-made hats.

KIM HUYNH: Born in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh), Vietnam, Kim Huynh holds a MFA from the University of Alberta, and is currently living in Calgary. She has exhibited her work since 1989. Her work has been shown in various solo and group exhibitions in Canada and internationally, including at The Other Gallery, Banff; Access, Vancouver; Open Studio, Toronto; the New Gallery, Calgary; Open Space, Victoria; FAB Gallery, Edmonton; Exist Art Gallery, New York; “Lines of Site,” Prague; Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Montreal; “20th International Biennale of Graphic Art,” Ljubljana, Slovenia; and “5th Biennial Exhibition of Prints,” Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama, Japan. Huynh currently teaches in the Department of Art at the University of Calgary.