Centre A is excited to announce the opening of our Holiday Art Auction and Market!
This year’s theme is Silver Jubilee, which marks the 25th anniversary of the accession of Centre A to the rank of public art gallery, starting from our humble beginnings as an artist-run centre. Hopefully we will celebrate our next jubilee in a world without monarchs or commonwealth, but for now we invite you to blasphemize the legacy of the queen in a drag of wealth and prosperity!
Mark your calendars and join us for a stunning evening of art, drinks, and jubilation as we unveil works by over 30 talented local artists. It’s the perfect opportunity to support the community, discover unique pieces, and find a special gift for the upcoming season!
Admission is free and works from both the auction and market will remain available to purchase for the exhibition sale period following the opening during gallery hours.
Bids can be made at Centre A through QR Codes located on the artwork labels or through the bidding site HERE.
Opening: November 30, 4 – 7 PM
Exhibition Sale Period: November 30 – December 14
Gallery Hours: Weds – Sat, 12 – 6 PM
Location: Centre A (205 – 268 Keefer Street)
Ketty Haolin Zhang | @kettyzzz | kettyhaolinzhang.com
Alejandra Morales | @festivefig | moralesalejandra.com
Ulyssmei | @ulyssmei.art | aumbal.github.io
Vin Cuadra | @vin.cuadra
Paul de Guzman | pauldeguzman.com
Brandon Leung | @breandoan | brandonjleung.wordpress.com
mickey vescera | @mickeyvescerarts | mickeyvescer.art
Ella Oriye Tani | @bucketpunker
Angel Chan | @angelz_png
Jenie Gao | @jeniegao | jenie.org
sheryndipity | @sheryndipity333
HOLOGORE | @hologore
Yuko Fujioka | @yuko_fuji_art
Elizabeth Yuan | elizabethyuan.com
Jae Lew | @recursivetechnologies
Annika McFarlane |@annikamcfarlane | annikamcfarlane.com
Ronnie Cheng | @rctlmakesthings | ronniecheng.com
Lucia Jia Liu | @lucia.x.liu
Madeline Cheung | @myui.illu | myuii.ca
Geraldine Yaris | @jelladin
Leah Passmore |@leahtanpassmore | leahtanpassmore.ca
Ramneet Kaur | @_bluesulphur | ramneetk.com
Ryuison | @ryuison | ryuison.com
Lera Kim | @valerochkim
Miles Saraswat | @milessaraswat | milessaraswat.wixsite.com/miles-saraswat
Layla Chen | @laylachenyz
Jason Low | @scorpioris | jasonlow.fun
Mu Jie Jewelry | @mujiejewelry
mickey vescera | @mickeyvescerarts | mickeyvescer.art
Chimgee Mendee | @5smackeroonies
Flavia | @catscanpuke | catscanpuke.com
Andie Lloyd | @duli_bbt / @a.ndielloyd | dulibubbletea.ca
sheryndipity | @sheryndipity333 | youtube: sheryndipity
Myriam’s Thumb | @sms_pepper
Qootea | @qootea
Ketty Haolin Zhang | @kettyzzz | kettyhaolinzhang.com
Jae Lew | @recursivetechnologies
Wanbo | @wwanbo | wanboart.com
Ryuison | www.ryuison.com
Elizabeth Yuan | elizabethyuan.com
Myui | @myui.illu | myuii.ca
Leah Tan Passmore | @leahtanpassmore | leahtanpassmore.ca
BAGUA ARTIST ASSOCIATION | @baguabagua | baguaartistassociation.com