Thursday, November 19, 2015
7 to 9 PM
at Centre A
Free admission
Facebook event page

Rabbit Fool Press and Centre A are pleased to present an evening of live readings, performances, and film screenings, as we celebrate the recent release of Brandy Liên Worrall-Soriano’s anthology Completely Mixed Up: Mixed Heritage North American Writing and Art.

In January of 2007, Centre A was proud to host a launch party event for one of the many chapbooks produced in Brandy’s series of publications that has come to be the recently released compilation Completely Mixed Up.  Now, it is our honour and delight to welcome her back and celebrate the completion of this ambitious, fifteen yearlong project. For this special evening, publisher Rabbit Fool Press is bringing together some of the anthology’s many contributors to give performances, present their work and share about upcoming projects.

Hosted by Brandy Liên Worrall-Soriano, this event includes the screening of Jeff Chiba Stearns’ autobiographical, “What Are You Anyways?”, and an introduction to his upcoming documentary, Mix Match, which explores the shortage of registered bone marrow and blood cell donors for mixed race patients with life-threatening blood illnesses. Landscape architect, artist, and scholar Kelty Miyoshi McKinnon will give a talk on invasive plants, and actor and playwright Tricia Collins will perform a segment of her one-woman play, Gravity, a self-penned performance about the Chinese workers in Guyana.  In addition, filmmaker and writer Pia Massie; writer and educator Mark Nakada; and multimedia artists Chloe and Mylo Worrall Yu will each give readings from their contributions to the anthology.

This anthology highlights the contributions of the seventy-five people who have explored what it means to be of mixed Asian North American heritage. Completely Mixed Up, through poetry, recipes, visual arts, performance, etc. engages in the dynamics of mixed race Asian North American identity in contemporary and historical terms without shying away from taking a critical approach to persistent questions and concerns.

This event is in partnership with Rabbit Fool Press.

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