?????/The Futures Society of Chinatown @ Chinatown Night Market
Discordant Projects
August 11-13, 18–20
Drawing inspiration from the fraternal and kinship organizations that have emerged in Chinatown over the last century, ?????/The Futures Society of Chinatown aims to explore and further understand the external and internal pressures calling for change in Chinatown, while seeking to foster connections among the social and cultural divides within its rapidly shifting contexts. Imagined as an ongoing collaborative experience, ?????/The Futures Society invites members of the community to actively engage in challenging current conventions of place-making, while interrogating new, possible futures of Chinatown on an extended time scale.
Join us August 11 to 13th and 18 to 20th for the Society’s launch, membership drive, and nostalgia-cleansing tea sale.
Discordant Projects is Nova Olson, Pete Fung and Sam Shamsher, designers/artists who have been collaborating informally on projects since 2015. Their shared beliefs, and process characterized by an interdisciplinary nature, informal research methods, and playful complexity, have led them to form Discordant Projects. Their design collective seeks to delve into actively engaging communities in discovering new possibilities in an effort to push the limits of lived experience.
Join CENTRE A at the Chinatown Night Market, where we will be hosting various events and projects by artists and curators every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6-10 pm, from May 26 – September 3.